Bicheno’s Top 100 Lean books
This list of Lean classic and more recent books provides a useful start for your personal Lean library.
Bob Emiliani Lean Leadership
M.L. “Bob” Emiliani is a professor, researcher, author, and historian of progressive management. A long-time TPS/Lean practitioner and the first to focus on Lean leadership as an area of scholarly study. He provides many useful tools, including a manual for leading kaizen events.
Creative Safety Supply
Blogs on Lean from a manufacturing perspective with many articles of relevant and transferable to higher education.
Efficiency Exchange
Efficiency Exchange helps institutions discover and share good practice and innovation in the delivery of value for students.
Kaizen Team Leader's Manual
Manual (with editable forms) developed by Bob Emiliani for leading a kaizen/rapid improvement event
Lean Education Academic Network (LEAN)
LEAN is an organization primarily composed of university educators who are dedicated to the growth of lean research, teaching, and practice.
Lean Enterprise Academy
Mission is to deepen the understanding of Lean and to spread Lean to every sector and activity.
Lean Enterprise Institute
Mission to make things better through Lean thinking and practice. Includes a Lean forum.
Lean Insider
A blog of news, research, and trends on operational excellence and Lean enterprise.
Lean Ohio
Range of Lean resources designed to help make services simpler, faster, better, and less costly.
Lean Pathways
Educational materials and blog by Pascal Dennis, a Lean author and former Toyota Lean practitioner.
Lean Production
Resources focusing on manufacturing with many relevant and transferrable to HE.
Miami University of Ohio Lean Glossary
Glossary of Lean terminology.
Michigan Technological University Continuous Improvement
Includes blogs, trainings, and a list of useful texts.
Norges Arktiske Universitet (The Arctic University of Norway)
Includes selected readings and tools and techniques (in Norwegian).
Old Lean Dude - Bruce Hamilton
Blog about understanding the Toyota Production System and gaining its full benefits.
Planet Lean
Magazine of the Lean Global Network, launched in February 2014 as a platform to share LGN's knowledge of and experience with Lean thinking and practice around the world.
A social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and answer questions, and find collaborators. Many Lean in higher education related papers.
Shingo Institute
Part of the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University. Aside from administering the Shingo Prize, the Shingo Institute additionally creates and licenses educational workshops, organizes study tours, offers an executive education program, and hosts an annual conference.
This website offers a range of materials, including videos and articles, about Lean in services and manufacturing.