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All About Lean

Blogs on the different aspects of lean manufacturing and lean administration. The blog has a strong focus on practicability, although some posts delve into theoretical details.

Creative Safety Supply

Blogs on Lean from a manufacturing perspective with many articles of relevant and transferable to higher education.

Efficiency Exchange

Efficiency Exchange helps institutions discover and share good practice and innovation in the delivery of value for students.

Lean Insider

A blog of news, research, and trends on operational excellence and Lean enterprise.

Mark Granban's Lean Blog

Focus on improving hospitals but covers a number of themes about Lean that are universal, regardless of industry or sector.

Michigan Technological University Continuous Improvement

Includes blogs, trainings, and a list of useful texts.

Old Lean Dude - Bruce Hamilton

Blog about understanding the Toyota Production System and gaining its full benefits.

Planet Lean

Magazine of the Lean Global Network, launched in February 2014 as a platform to share LGN's knowledge of and experience with Lean thinking and practice around the world.


A business improvement magazine covering Lean, operational excellence and continuous improvement that acts as a bridge between academia and industry.

The Lean Edge

A platform for discussion between management thinkers and Lean management writers. Lean authors give their responses to general management questions posed by guest writers. The aim is to share different points of view and to collectively build a vision of Lean management.

Tim McMahon's Lean Journey

Covers topics ranging from best practices to Lean basics that can help new or struggling Lean adopters familiarize themselves with the shift to a Lean culture.

University of Sheffield Process Improvement Unit

Features a blog and case studies of work carried out by the Process Improvement Unit.

W. Edwards Deming Institute

Resources including readings, blogs, and videos about the work of Dr. W. Edwards Deming.

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