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Colleges and universities are facing disruptive challenges requiring change including:

  • Eroding financial support , pushback on tuition costs, and calls for greater accountability

  • Perceptions that HE's labor-intensive processes are inefficient and ineffective

  • Unprecedented competition and changes in the design and delivery of higher educatio 


The application of LHE has successfully overcome these challenges by:

  • Establishing a problem-solving framework and management system to support the execution of an institution’s strategy

  • Helping institutions fundamentally rethink how they respond to the needs and expectations of those served by higher education.

  • Providing a leadership and operational management system for guiding the institution forward

  • Embedding LHE principles and practices in the culture of the institution

  • Engaging all members of the academic community to actively improve the efficiency and effectiveness of core activities and processes


LHE has improved many HE activities and processes including:

  • Business and finance processes (e.g., faculty & hiring, facilities management, information technology support)

  • Academic support processes (e.g., recruitment & admissions, registration, student advising)

  • Academic processes (e.g., teaching and learning, course approval, academic program review)


LHE can establish a comprehensive and long-term framework to achieve student, institutional, and societal goals


Key Features of Lean Higher Education

  • LHE is a comprehensive approach to institutional change and improvement that transforms the work experiences of all employees

  • LHE respects and balances the needs of the institution with those of its employees

  • LHE offers a practical framework with supporting tools that support relentless continuous improvement

  • LHE favors implementing solutions quickly 

  • The successful implementation of LHE is supported by research

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